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19. November 2019 December 22nd, 2021
  • Joint development of backend and customer app for electric vehicle manufacturer e.Go
  • Valtech Mobility is a member at the European 4.0 Transformation Center (E4TC)

(Munich/Aachen, November 11, 2019) Valtech Mobility, Joint Venture of Audi Electronics Venture (AEV) and the digital agency Valtech, is active on the RWTH Aachen Campus, which is developing into one of the largest research landscapes in Europe. The company announced its membership in the European 4.0 Transformation Center, as well as its collaboration with the e-mobility manufacturer e.GO Mobile AG, headquartered on the RWTH Aachen Campus.

The digital series development of the Aachen electric vehicle e.GO Life on the RWTH Campus is based on the architecture approach of Internet of Production with its three major areas: Development Cycle, Production Cycle and User Cycle (for marketing, distribution, product utilization by customers and service). A host of the digital services for the User Cycle, in particular apps for EV drivers and associated car shops, was created in cooperation with the software manufacturer Valtech Mobility, a company that has been developing digital solutions around the connected vehicle for more than 20 years now for customers such as Audi, VW, Skoda, Bentley, Lamborghini, Daimler, Seat or Porsche.

In close collaboration with e.GO Life, the Munich-based company, which had already contributed significantly to the first VW Group platform, developed the central backend of the e.GO Life EV in the Azure Cloud.

This was, on one hand, to implement the connection of cars and, on the other, the integration of the repair shops. Building on that, a customer app (Android/OS) was created that completes the full-digital experience and supplies the driver with non-local information on remaining range, battery status, odometer readings and telemetric data. Valtech Mobility, which as an end-to-end service provider, supports comprehensive strategy, development, software architecture and UX design, has since then assumed the operation of these platforms and is assisting e.GO in the development of a support process for their IT infrastructure.

Together, the partners decided to push ahead the evolution of the platform and new features, functionalities and business models for the next mobility generations. On top of that, car data is being collected, evaluated and cycled back to Production to continuously optimize manufacturing processes.

Ernest Debets, Vice President of e.GO Mobile AG comments on this point: “Valtech Mobility GmbH is a powerful partner that ensures the punctual availability of our digital services. Innovations and their rapid development pace aimed at reaching an ambitious go-to-market need a partner that moves as agile as our own organization and who, as an expert, generates reliable and scalable results. We are happy to be able to develop and offer more services together with Valtech Mobility GmbH.”

Andreas Peters, Managing Director of Valtech Mobility GmbH, says: “We are very happy to be part of such an agile environment and able to contribute to this smart, innovative and inspiring company. At the same time this partnership offers us the opportunity to learn from new impulses and production processes – to create digital solutions that from an interdisciplinary angle are tailor-made for our customers down to the last detail.”


Valtech Mobility joins the RWTH Aachen Campus

The E4TC on the RWTH Aachen Campus stands for all aspects of digitalization of products and services, company processes and business models. The campus infrastructure allows physical and digital processes and products to be meshed in a concrete and agile fashion, e.g. in relation to Product-Lifecycle-Management, Systems-Engineering, Enterprise-Resource-Planning, Service-Lifestyle-Management and the Internet-of-Things.

Here, the E4TC pools university expertise in these fields and coordinates the collaboration between renowned industry, software and research partners. In this manner, the E4TC and its member companies can realize overarching processes and digital solutions across companies to generate optimal results.

The series production of the e.GO Life electric vehicle, whose developments E4TC accompanied, is proof of concept.

In the context of enrollment at the E4TC on the RWTH Aachen Campus, Valtech Mobility contributes in the field of “User Cycle”. Dr. Rupert Deger, Director of the Center and Managing Director of the E4TC adds: “We are proud of our mix of member companies which come not only from different industries but also from different areas of standard software and customized solutions. Here, the software manufacturer Valtech Mobility shapes the differentiating, customer-oriented digital showcases in product usage.”


About e.GO Mobile AG

The e.GO Mobile AG was founded as a manufacturer of e-vehicles by Professor Dr. Günther Schuh in 2015. More than 450 employees use the unique network on the campus with its research facilities and about 360 technology companies at the RWTH Aachen. Agile teams work on various affordable and customer-oriented e-vehicles for short range traffic. Series production of the e.GO Life started in Aachen Rothe Erde in March 2019. For more information:


About the European 4.0 Transformation Center GmbH

The European 4.0 Transformation Center (E4TC) offers a cooperation platform on the RWTH Aachen Campus that unites industrial companies and university institutions to develop new solutions for the digital transformation. For this purpose, the E4TC members take advantage of the Living Demonstrator environment of the RWTH Aachen Campus to convey the physical-digital results that have been achieved interdisciplinarily in a direct and tangible fashion. The e.GO Mobile AG, a manufacturer of electric vehicles, serves as a compelling example of a holistic 4.0 transformation that has been actively designed and accompanied by the E4TC. The E4TC is currently comprised of 13 international member companies from the soft and hardware industry.
For more information:

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